\documentclass[titlepage, 12pt]{article} \usepackage{mandi} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mdwlist} \usepackage{cclicenses} \begin{document} \title{Lab 4: Newton's 2nd Law\\$\littleg$ by Atwood's Machine} \author{Ben Wildeboer\\Calc-based Physics I\\Three Rivers CC} \date{September 26, 2011} \maketitle \section*{Description} The purpose of this lab was to determine the value of $\littleg$ using Atwood's Machine and measuring the acceleration. \section*{Data and Measurements} See attached sheet. \section*{Calculations} \subsection*{Part I: Determining acceleration of the system} $\Delta y = \displacement{0.650}$\\ $m_1 = \mass{.200}\\ m_2 = \mass{.210}\\ \text{average }t = \duration{2.402}\\ \\ y=y_0+\onehalf at^2\\ a=\dfrac{2(\Delta y)}{t^2}\\ a=\dfrac{(2(\displacement{0.650})}{(\duration{2.402})^2}=\acceleration{0.2253}$ \subsection*{Part II: Using acceleration of the system to find $\littleg$} $F_1 + F_2 = F_{g_1} - F_{g_2}\\ m_2a+m_1a=m_1\littleg -m_2 \littleg \\ (m_2+m_1)a=(m_1-m_2)\littleg \\ \littleg = \quant{\dfrac{m_2+m_1}{m_2-m_1}}a \\ \littleg = \quant{\dfrac{\mass{0.210}+\mass{0.200}}{\mass{0.210}-\mass{0.200}}}\acceleration{0.2253}= \quant{\dfrac{\mass{0.410}}{\mass{0.010}}}\acceleration{0.2253}=\acceleration{9.2373}\\ \\ \textbf{\% error} = \dfrac{\littlegn - \acceleration{9.2373}}{\littlegn}=0.0574 \text{ or } 5.74\%$ \section*{Conclusions} This lab demonstrated Newton's 2nd law by showing unbalanced forces result in an acceleration. Using that acceleration, we found we were able to fairly closely approximate the value for $\littleg$. Though our calculated magnitude for $\littleg$ showed an error of 5.73\%, this is a fairly close value considering possible errors such as human timing, friction from the pulley, and the use of a non-massless string. \end{document}